WAMC Students Learn About Dental Hygiene & Healthy Food Decisions

Last week the students in the Warwick Area Migrant Committee (WAMC) Summer Enrichment Program spent some time learning about health and the importance of making smart choices, as well as, taking care of yourself.

First on Wednesday; August 7, 2019 the HRHC dental hygiene staff came to visit the Summer Enrichment Program to teach the kids about dental care. The children learned about the importance of flossing, avoiding too much sugar, and proper brushing techniques. “Make sure to always brush your teeth” was the mantra of the day! Thank you to HRHC’s dental hygienists for stopping by and generously offering their dental expertise to the children in the program!

Next on Thursday; August 8, 2019 the children spent part of their day learning about dairy and the importance of milk in a healthy diet. Each week the kids learn about the different parts of the balanced nutrition food pyramid as part of their weekly nutrition and health education class. To teach this week’s lesson on dairy the Orange County Dairy Princess, Gabby Miyoshi, gave the kids each a book about how cows produce milk on a dairy farm. Princess Gabby taught the younger kids about how butter is made from milk. The kids loved the fresh butter samples she brought! Princess Gabby is a resident of Maybrook, NY and was crowned this year’s Orange County Dairy Princess this past May. Thank you Princess Gabby for stopping by and spending time with the children!

The students are looking forward to another busy week this week. If you are interested in supporting classes like these at the Summer Enrichment Program you can donate safely and securely to the WAMC here. We thank everyone who has made donations and continue to support our efforts!