2024 WAFO Annual Kermes Fundraiser

2024 Dulce Esperanza Kermes Fundraiser

The Warwick Area Farmworkers Organization will hold this year’s 2024 Annual WAFO Kermes Fundraiser on Sunday; August 11, 2024 between 12 pm and 4 pm. This annual event traditionally is held near the end of the WAFO Dulce Esperanza Summer Enrichment Program and is a way for the parents of the children in the Summer Program to give back to the Program itself through volunteer support, as well as, monetary donations through the sale of food prepared by the parents.

A Kermes is traditionally what a Catholic religious bazaar is called in Spanish. They are very popular in Mexico where many of the migrant farmworker families in our programs are from. It’s usually a fund raiser held at the local Catholic church’s grounds where rides, games, music, dancing and food are available. Our version will take place at the Pine Island Park in Pine Island, NY (directions here). The parents do an amazing job of donating traditional Mexican and Hispanic foods, as well as, helping to man the various games available for the children.

We are blessed to have so many kind and giving parents who are actively involved in making this event a success. The event is publicized by word of month primarily and is very popular with the Hispanic migrant farm worker community throughout the Goshen and Warwick New York area though all are welcome to attend as this is an open community event.

In past years we have seen over 400 community members come out each year to support this event by purchasing the foods that were for sale. This continues to be an important fundraiser for the Summer Program and we hope to see a large turn out for this year’s event as well!

Please make sure to bring cash as we cannot accept credit cards for purchases.

Thank you in advance to all who attend and support this event. We appreciate your continued support and charity!