The Warwick Area Migrant Committee (WAMC) Summer Enrichment Program in years past has annually planted a summer garden through a cooperative effort of students, parents, and program volunteers at the Pine Island Elementary School in Pine Island, New York. The Summer Program is hosted as this school each year and provides educational enrichment opportunities for the children of migrant farm workers. This wonderful little garden is now being readied by WAMC volunteers who are working safely within all state/federal standards to get it back into seasonal shape.
The beautiful perennials planted by the children in years past have once again grown into beautiful flowers this year. They are in full bloom right now reminding us that the work we sow in years past continues to provide fruit for many generations after. This is a wonderful testament to small ways our WAMC Summer Program students leave a lasting positive footprint in our local community and continue to contribute to it even long after they have moved onto bigger and better things in their lives.
We continue to wait for guidance from local and state officials as to when it will be safe to conduct our Summer Program again while adhering to all standards that are needed to do so, but this small amount of garden work helps our WAMC team remain hopeful that we will once again at some point be able to return to some sense of “normal” during this pandemic. If you wish to donate to the WAMC Summer Enrichment program you can do so online here.