Dulce Esperanza Fairy book is released on Amazon!

We are proud to announce the release of our book for children. The book is available on Amazon-by
typing Dulce Esperanza Fairies. The book was illustrated by Angela Michaels, written by Katherine
Brieger. Maryanne Hanisch provided technical assistance in preparing the book. It is written in English
and Spanish. The book features eight of the children in our Dulce Esperanza program. The children
included five girls and three boys. They contributed to the story by describing how they would use
“special powers” to help a community recover from a flood.

The story takes place in a village in Mexico which has experienced a flood. The river that ran through
the village destroyed their farms and places they lived. The fairies are drawn to help the village using
their powers. They are able to work with the villagers to repair the village, the farmland and heal and
feed the villagers. The illustrations are extraordinary-with the fairies being modeled by the children of
the Dulce Esperanza program.

All proceeds from the book sale will support the summer program for the children of farmworkers.

You can purchase the book online from Amazon here!